
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Compressed air fittings: cure the winter blues | Air Compressors ...

It may be that during December your thoughts are far from the kind of compressed air fittings that you may need for the coming months.  If your financial year runs according to the calendar you may be preoccupied by year – end and year-ahead figures.  The talk of bad weather may concern you even more, you may worry whether the much discussed return of last year's snow may stop or delay work on external sites. Indeed you may just be more concerned with the Christmas Party you need to plan for hundreds of staff!

As the days are nearing their shortest and the air is damp with rainfall compressed air fittings are probably the last things on earth that you want to think about. However just for sense's sake we would like to remind you of the clear and incontrovertible role they play in keeping your compressed air equipment in full working order and your work schedule consistently up to date. Now is the time to do a full health check on your compressed air units and make sure your compressed air fittings are still doing the job they should be.  Whilst you compile budgets, or set your strategy for the new year, or buy in the alcohol for the Christmas bash, you may just do it with an easier mind.

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