
Friday, February 17, 2012

Solenoid Valve – Product Precautions | Warnet Ayucyber Net

Friday, February 17th, 2012 | technology

One-touch Fittings : SMC Solenoid Valve

The pitch of the SJ series piping ports (A, B and so on.) has been set presuming the utilising of KJ series one-touch fittings. when using fittings with an M3 or M5 port block assembly, there could be some interference between fittings, depending on the size and type, so please use after checking dimensions in the catalog for the pipe fitting being used.

1. Tube attachment/detachment for one-touch fittings

1) Attaching of tube

(1) Take a tube having no flaws on its border and cut it off at a right angle. When cutting the tube, use tube cutters TK-1, 2 or 3. Do not use pincher, nippers or scissors, for example. If cutting is done with tools aside from tube cutters, there was the danger that the tube could be cut diagonally or become flattened, etc, making a safety installation very unlikely, and causing issues such as the tube pulling out after installation or air leakage.Also leave some plus length in the tube.

(2) Grasp the tube and push it in slowly, inserting it securely all around way into the fitting.

(3) After inserting the tube, pull on it softly to confirm that it won't come out. If it is not installed soundly all way into the fitting, this will cause Problems such as air leaking or the tube pulling out.

2) Detaching of tubing

(1) The 4 (A) and 2 (B) ports use the KJ series, so that the tube can be removed by pressing on part of the release bush. Nonetheless for the 1 (P) and 3/5 (E) ports, please press the
release bush uniformly as before.

(2) Pull out the tube while holding down the release button in order that it can not come out. If the release button isn't press down satisfactorily, there might be increased bite on
the tube and it'll get even more tricky to pull it out.

(3) When the removed tube is to be used again, cut off the portion which has been gnawed before recycling it. If the gnawed portion of the tube is utilized as is, this will cause difficulty such as air seepage or difficulty in the removal of the tube.

Be certainly to read before handling. Read more about Pneumatic Equipment, please feel free to visit Pneumatic Dotcom.

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